アンティーク風な雰囲気のあるシェルフになります。rr大きくもなく、小さくもなく丁度いいサイズかと思います。rrまたキャスター付きで移動も楽々です、キャスター片側の2個はストッパー付きです。rr全体に丁寧に研磨して、ステイン塗装後にwaxを掛けております。rr----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rSize : W790mm x D235mm x H715mm(Hはキャスター含む ) (数mm程度の誤差はご了承ください。)r上段・下段内寸: W750mm x D235mm x H295mmrサイズ・段数変更可(W幅最大900mm・D奥行最大約285mmまで)※別途お見積りrr・無垢材を使用していますので、使用に問題ない程度の軽微な傷・反り・割れ・節などがある場合がございます。r・送料はほとんどの商品が着払いとなっています。r・基本的に受注製作となりますので、発送までに約14日程掛かります。rr発送方法:クロネコヤマト宅急便着払い200サイズr(北海道3,830円/東北3,390円/関東・信越3,170円/北陸・中部2,950円/関西・四国2,840円/中国・九州2,730円/沖縄5,040円)rr本棚/ブックシェルフ/アンティーク/シェルフ/レトロ/キャスター/什器
Antique Revolving Bookcase on Casters
Antique English Bleached Oak Library Breakfronted Open Bookcase
Bookish in Prague
Delwin 10-shelf Bookcase Antique Nutmeg - Coaster Fine Furni
Antique Book open Shelf Caster - Franck GALLERY | minne 国内最大級のハンドメイド・手作り通販サイト
Easy Movable Bookshelf with Caster Wheels with 9-Open Shelves - Bed Bath & Beyond - 37919161
Bookwheels and Scrollwheels
Amazon.com: Book Shelves On Wheels
Delwin 10-shelf Bookcase Antique Nutmeg - Coaster Fine Furni
Bookshelf Casters - Etsy
Bookcase With Casters, Bookcase on Wheels, Rustic Bookcase, Wooden Book Shelf, Rustic Book Shelf, Industrial Furniture, Farmhouse Table - Etsy
TIL about this tool to open several books at once. This made studying easier and saves space. What are some cool tools, stuff, interesting things in the vein of this that you've
Bookcase With Casters, Bookcase on Wheels, Rustic Bookcase, Wooden Book Shelf, Rustic Book Shelf, Industrial Furniture, Farmhouse Table - Etsy
Old library interior hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Antique Book open Shelf Caster 本棚・絵本棚・マガジンラック Franck 通販|Creema(クリーマ) 4298446
Antique Revolving Bookcase on Casters
Antique English Bleached Oak Library Breakfronted Open Bookcase
Bookish in Prague
Delwin 10-shelf Bookcase Antique Nutmeg - Coaster Fine Furni
Antique Book open Shelf Caster - Franck GALLERY | minne 国内最大級のハンドメイド・手作り通販サイト
Easy Movable Bookshelf with Caster Wheels with 9-Open Shelves - Bed Bath & Beyond - 37919161
Bookwheels and Scrollwheels
Amazon.com: Book Shelves On Wheels
Delwin 10-shelf Bookcase Antique Nutmeg - Coaster Fine Furni
Bookshelf Casters - Etsy
Bookcase With Casters, Bookcase on Wheels, Rustic Bookcase, Wooden Book Shelf, Rustic Book Shelf, Industrial Furniture, Farmhouse Table - Etsy
TIL about this tool to open several books at once. This made studying easier and saves space. What are some cool tools, stuff, interesting things in the vein of this that you've
Bookcase With Casters, Bookcase on Wheels, Rustic Bookcase, Wooden Book Shelf, Rustic Book Shelf, Industrial Furniture, Farmhouse Table - Etsy
Old library interior hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Antique Book open Shelf Caster 本棚・絵本棚・マガジンラック Franck 通販|Creema(クリーマ) 4298446